Kanthavara Forest Basecamp

Puru +91-9108066377

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Google Maps - Location, Forest Walking Tours, Visitor Reservation form, Catering request form, How the Basecamp startedChemical free rubber plantation (see picssee video)Bambusetum & ArboretumKanthavara Forest CompostPermaculture study tour, Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), Picnic, Camping, Trekking, Herping, WFF, Join BNHS, CPG, Join Bamboo Society of India, Workaway (see info), Airbnb, Farm stay, KVD, BAPY, KAPY+BSIPayS

Visitors Gallery

The Kanthavara Experience

Deca c/o Arunanjali Securities

Address: Deca Office 3-3-245/2 next to Bejai church complex, Bejai, Mangalore, 575004 India


Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

Location Maps