How to make a Financial plan


How to make a Financial Plan? Answer questionnaire, Report in 2 working days


Why make Financial Plan? Helps to find out exactly how much to invest every month, de-risk existing holdings, protect future income & health, smooth asset transmission and minimize Tax. The financial plan once completed will be given to you. There is also no obligation for you to invest through us going forward. Eg: FREE insurance with SIP, Annuities, reverse annuity etc are things that come to light only through a financial plan.


Points of Action resulting from Financial Plan (Example):

Client: Mr. DJP and family, Dubai, UAE

Date: 20 July 2015


Description Current value Coming in years Future value Montly SIP needed
Retirement expenses per year (age 60-80) 600,000 17 4,100,000 see cell below
Retirement corpus at 60, to be drawn down till 80 45,700,000 34,600
KP's Education 350,000 13 1,527,000 3,500
Intl. Holiday 240,000 Every yr   20,000
Car 1,500,000 4 2,360,000 37,000
House 6,000,000 17 41,200,000 50,000
KP's Wedding 2,400,000 18 18,500,000 19,000
Major H. Ins premium p.a. from age 60 105,000 26 2,000,000 see cell below
Major H. Ins corpus required at 60, to be drawn down till 80 14,000,000 4,465
Total monthly SIP* needed 175,300
Total monthly SIP in place 30,000
ACTION → Shortfall 145,300




Risk cover ↓ ACTION ↓
Description Required Present available Shortfall Amt to secure
Family Minor health risk cover 0 - 3 Lakh (appendicitis, falls, aches, pains etc) 500,000 500,000 NIL -
Family Major health risk cover 50 Lakh (terminal illness, major accidents etc.) 5,000,000 NIL But Start with 25,00,000 15,485 p.a
Life cover for main earning member (30-60yrs = 1.5 years income) 69,00,000 500,000 64,00,000
but min cover is for 50 Lakh


one time 

for full 15yrs

Contingency / emergency funds (3 months income, held in Liquid fund) 2,160,000 0 2,160,000 2,160,000
POA (Power of Attorney) To protect assets in case of emergency Yes NIL POA
For UAE & India
Will - To prevent delay / cost after death Yes NIL Will



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Jun 10, 2020

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