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Congratulation on drawing up a Succession Set

These documents will ensure that your dependents are not deprived of the fruits of your labor when you are no more. If you felt a huge weight lift off your shoulder with this will, you should get your loved ones, brothers and sisters, to also make wills and secure their families too


What to do next (Please print and staple to succession set):

  1. Inform your children, family and all your close friends that you have made a will. However do not mention to beneficiaries, especially if they are your children, about the contents of your will. Over the years, we have observed no discernible benefits when clients divulge details. On the contrary such details often plant the seeds of discontent and later conflicts, no matter how well intentioned.
  2. Do not disclose the specific location of your will. However you could inform your beneficiaries, family and important friends for example “in case of emergency, important documents can be found in my Dubai villa“
  3. Your will has no expiry date. It needs to be rewritten only if you want to change the beneficiaries. Do not attempt to scratch out or modify content yourself. We assist with amendments, at nominal cost, within 1 year.
  4. This will entitles the beneficiaries, family of the deceased to call for an experienced document clearing guide FREE for 1/2 day, 8am-12noon. Contact us at www.deca.in. We also waive all preliminary consultation fees, should legal advice be sought by the beneficiaries, at the time of death of the testator
  5. Refrain from sharing your will or even its format with anyone. It is also never a good idea to adapt a will to suit the needs of a close family member. Your will has been specifically customized to suit your particular age, religion, sex, your specific net worth size, particular asset types, asset domicile, whole/partial asset ownership and catering to specific conditions relating to your beneficiaries such as your children taking account of their age, marital status etc. Attempting to adapt wills could inadvertently introduce errors or omissions, which could have serious consequences for the surviving family.
  6. Deca is committed to making this important 'Succession Set' widely available and affordable. Please refer to discounts (items 1-4) available to additional persons or families seeking to make a similar succession set. 



Deca c/o Arunanjali Securities

Address: Deca Office 3-3-245/2 next to Bejai church complex, Bejai, Mangalore, 575004 India


Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

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