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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Annual maintenance contract (AMC) is not required for on-grid systems as there are no moving parts. The only thing needed to keep the system running smoothly is to ensure that the glass surface of the solar panels are kept clean. Depending on your location the panels may have to be cleaned weekly or monthly. Cleaning service, if required can be obtained from Deca.
  2. Annual maintenance contract (AMC) is offered to off-grid systems only on request of the client. Depending on your installation capacity etc the frequency maintenance visits will have to be worked out. 
  3. Cleaning of panels to be done using simple tap water and a mop. Be careful not to scratch the glass surface. Cleaning service, if required can be obtained from Deca.

Deca c/o Arunanjali Securities

Address: Deca Office 3-3-245/2 next to Bejai church complex, Bejai, Mangalore, 575004 India


Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

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